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Wellness 2 years ago

How The Gee's Define Wellness

Whether it's finding a few extra minutes a day to practice gratitude or applying a few drops of essential oils to your palms, we're sharing our definition of what wellness means to us and how we practice and prioritize wellness throughout the week.

Wellness means to me more calmness, prayer, helping, giving, being mindful, awareness to my approach to a fuller life. I truly believe that awareness is the leader to change and that’s how I am able to keep evolving. I wholeheartedly and truly believe that my routines and practices, for me, are my beauty routine, it’s my wellness disguised as self care.” - Miriam Gee
One of the ways I practice wellness is with my 5am wake up call. When I hold myself accountable to how I begin my day, everything changes, and I am stronger for it. Wellness means keeping my promises to myself, whether that’s waking up early or laying in bed after the kids are sleeping watching my favorite shows.” - Natalie Gee
The way I think of wellness in my life is the smooth flow of my personal routines. Small mini moments like deep breaths with essential oils, staying hydrated, how often I move my body, the nourishing and beautifying foods I eat, stretching, elevating my legs to boost circulation, using the Dela Heart paddle to help with lymphatic drainage – all of these practices make me feel like my best self. While it may seem like a lot, its really about breaking the routines down into smaller steps and making it a true part of my day. Keeping the essential oils and Dela Heart paddle beside my bed, or always keeping a water jug filled near me, trying to walk somewhere instead of driving, meal prepping – these are a few of the ways I try to make these practices simpler and easier to reach for. Feeling like my best self is the ultimate motivation to strive to achieve them each day. Of course it doesn’t always happen, but I like knowing these are some of the tools I use to achieve my ideal flow.” - Celene Gee
To me, wellness means radical self-responsibility. In order for me to maintain a happy disposition I need to work on myself daily, which is all up to me! I make time for my wellness practices as they bring me peace, calmness and joy. My daily wellness practices include: prayer, movement, eating mindfully, drinking 3L of water, practicing gratitude, and making time for fun. My wellness is up to me and I am so grateful for my commitment!” - Stephanie Gee
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